If you are financing your vehicle, and that vehicle is a total loss through accident or theft, your insurance payout may not be enough to settle the finance. Guaranteed Asset Protection will pay the shortfall between the amount still owing to the Finance Company and your insurance payout, up to $20,000 (plus any additional benefits chosen) once your vehicle insurer has accepted and settled your claim.
Extra protection in the event of a “total loss” You will not be forced into continuing to make payments on a vehicle you no longer own Cover for up to 60 months for one premium Optional additional benefits to meet your out of pocket expenses include: - Replacement vehicle registration & on-road costs - Insurance premium for your replacement vehicle - Insurance excess for the total loss vehicle - Rental Vehicle costs of up to $100 a day for a maximum of 5 days.
Extra protection in the event of a “total loss” You will not be forced into continuing to make payments on a vehicle you no longer own Cover for up to 60 months for one premium Your vehicle must be subject to a finance contract, with the vehicle as security Your vehicle must always have current Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance The Borrower must be 21 years of age or over.